Small businesses operate in a constantly changing environment, and having a reliable group of advisors can make all the difference. Advisory boards, which can serve as an alternative to formal boards of directors, offer invaluable insights, expertise, and strategic guidance that help businesses navigate challenges and take advantage of opportunities. However, creating and managing an advisory board requires careful planning and execution, especially for smaller enterprises with limited resources.

  1. Define Your Objectives

Before assembling your advisory board, it’s crucial to outline clear objectives. What specific areas do you need guidance in? Whether it’s financial management, marketing strategies, or industry insights, defining your objectives will help you select the right advisors.

  1. Identify Key Areas of Expertise

Small businesses often face multifaceted challenges, from operational efficiency to market expansion. Identify the key areas where your business could benefit from expert advice. This could include legal matters, technology integration, human resources, or product development.

  1. Select Diverse Advisors

Diversity in expertise, background, and perspective is essential for a well-rounded advisory board. Look for advisors with complementary skills who can offer different viewpoints and challenge conventional thinking. Consider including individuals from various industries, backgrounds, and demographics to enrich the advisory discussions.

  1. Establish Clear Expectations

Clearly communicate the role and expectations of advisory board members from the outset. Define their responsibilities, meeting frequency, and expected time commitment. Additionally, ensure that advisors understand the confidentiality requirements and any potential conflicts of interest.

It is crucial for any company to have a board policy in place that ensures the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) reflects the decision-making within the company. This policy should outline whether advisory members have a say or simply an advisory role. In addition, it is important to have a shareholder agreement in place that clearly defines the relationship between shareholders. Finally, it is recommended that director agreements be established to outline the duties and expectations of both traditional board members and advisory board members. This will ensure that all parties understand their roles and responsibilities within the company.

Accountability can be challenging when advisory members lack required documentation.

  1. Regularly Evaluate Performance

Periodically assess the effectiveness of your advisory board and its members. Solicit feedback from key stakeholders, evaluate the impact of advisory recommendations on business decisions, and identify areas for improvement. Be prepared to make adjustments to the composition or structure of the board as needed to ensure alignment with business goals. Having solid board policies, MOI, and director agreements in place helps you navigate this better.


Transparency is essential for building trust and credibility within the advisory board. Keep members informed about relevant business developments, challenges, and opportunities. Foster a culture of accountability by following through on action items and tracking progress on key initiatives.

As your business evolves and grows, it is important to ensure that your advisory board is also evolving. This means regularly reassessing your objectives, revisiting the composition of your board, and seeking out new advisors who can offer fresh perspectives and insights. It is essential to be adaptable in order to ensure that your advisory board remains relevant and impactful in an ever-changing business landscape. To achieve this, your documentation should be updated accordingly and create easy mechanisms to help you reach your goals.

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Nicolene Schoeman-Louw